JSC “AVK” is one of the leaders in the chemical products market of Russia and the CIS countries. The company specializes in the supply of catalysts, adsorbents, additives and other chemical reagents to enterprises of the oil and gas refining, petrochemical and chemical industries.



Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment,
12 MFC "Federation Tower. East"


Engineering Search Center of AVK JSC

The company’s structure includes its own scientific and engineering center (ESC), responsible for the development and improvement of recipes and technologies.

The Scientific and Engineering Center of JSC “AVK” is a multidisciplinary division of the enterprise, consisting of:

  • Expert Center for the areas of activity of the Scientific and Engineering Center;
  • Center for laboratory research and pre-industrial testing;
    Prototyping Center;
  • Prototyping Center;
  • Center for retraining of specialized personnel;
  • Center for industrial implementation of technologies and innovations of the Scientific and Engineering Center.

Highly qualified specialists work in the Scientific and Engineering Center: candidates of science, chemical engineers, analysts, physical chemists and materials scientists, graduates of the leading universities of the country.

SIC specialists and employees have created and implemented more than 40 original technological solutions related to the release of new products or their radical modernization.


Chemical engineering




Coatings Research


Testing, metrology
and standardization



Main directions of research and scientific activities:
  1. Petrochemistry and gas chemistry. New processes and devices for chemical technology
  2. Modeling of chemical-technological processes
  3. Lubricants and fuel additives
  4. Industrial robotic systems
  5. Patent research
  6. Analytical chemistry
  7. Protective coatings
Objectives of the Engineering Center:
  • Development of chemical materials
  • Design and prototyping of industrial solutions
  • Industrial automation, robotics and engineering
  • Programs for extending the service life of industrial equipment
  • Personnel training
Current projects:
  • Development and implementation of mobile robotic technological complexes
  • Development of technology for the construction of high-resource winter temporary road ice coverings
  • Development and production of a laser installation for cleaning the surface without violating the integrity of the protective coating
Scientific partnership of ESC AVK JSC
Strategic objectives:
  • Implementation of a research program that ensures the implementation of an interconnected set of world-class exploratory and applied research to solve urgent problems in the main areas of the ESC of JSC “AVK”;
  • Formation of new interdisciplinary areas of work within the framework of domestic and international cooperation to ensure the implementation of the human and scientific potential of the Scientific Center in theoretical research and experimental developments;
  • Conducting comprehensive full-cycle research jointly with scientific and higher education organizations, applied, design and engineering institutes, organizations of the real sector of the economy to create and commercialize new technologies in priority areas;
  • Provision of modern scientific infrastructure and advanced material and technical base for fundamental, applied, complex and interdisciplinary scientific research within the framework of the implementation of programs and projects in accordance with the priorities of scientific and technological development of the ESC.
Scientific potential of ESC AVK JSC
Maximov A.L.

Doctor of chemical sciences, leading expert;
Deputy Head of the Department of Innovation Activity at the Faculty of Chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Dementiev K.I.

Doctor of chemical sciences;
Head of the direction "chemistry and technology of catalytic cracking"

Anisimov A.V.

Doctor of chemical sciences, Professor;
Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Bermeshev M.V.

Doctor of chemical sciences;
Head of the direction "fuel additives and lubricants"

Human resources of the Scientific and Research Center of JSC "AVK"
Become part of the team

New vacancies have been opened in JSC "AVK"

Industrial Automation and Robotics Center:
  • Development of multifunctional universal robotic platforms of collaborative type for industrial applications in the shipbuilding and ship repair industries, as well as in the oil and gas processing and mining industries, in the industrial and infrastructure construction industries.
  • Development and modernization of automated lines for processing industries;
  • Adaptation of technological impact equipment for use in the composition of robotic complexes;
  • Development of systems of machine control of the quality of work performed, including with the use of artificial intelligence technologies;
  • Development and implementation of retraining programs for specialized personnel.
Complex retraining programs for training specialists of RTC set-up and operators
  • Design and application of RTC;
  • Operation and maintenance of RTCs.
Rates of implementation of industrial robotization in the world and Russia
The relevance of using robotic systems for delivering technological impact
  • Improving the quality of coatings due to computerized precision and intelligent algorithms of impact delivery;
  • Reduction of manual labor involvement;
  • High productivity;
  • Possibility of impact delivery to hard-to-access, high-altitude, dangerous for human health and life objects;
  • Reduction of material consumption;
  • Ensuring continuity of the work process;
  • Automated quality control;
  • Ensuring repeatability of technological processes;
  • Remote monitoring of processes.
In the structure of the ESC, an engineering and testing laboratory was organized to work out various modes of technological impact for mobile and stationary robotic platforms:
  • Search works for determination, standardization and optimization of surface treatment modes;
  • Determination of implementation potential and economic effect of RTC application;
  • Debugging of technological maps for specific technical requirements;
  • Testing of impact technologies.
ESC specialists have developed a software package for adjusting the trajectory of movement, speed and cyclicity of exposure
  • The software package implements a digital twin of the test bench, fully synchronized with a full-scale test bench based on an industrial manipulation robot.The software package implements a digital twin of the test bench, fully synchronized with the full-scale bench based on an industrial manipulation robot.
The developed package generates the program code of manipulator control on the digital twin of the test bench, which allows:
  • Carry out the preparation and execution of a series of experiments in parallel;
  • Guarantee repeatability of experiments;
  • Carry out precise changes in the parameters of positioning and motion of the working body;
  • Document the experiments with preservation of parameters and trajectories.
A software complex for working out various variants of the motion trajectory of manipulators and RTC chassis using the capabilities of the ROS2 robot development software framework
  • The software provides the development of control actions on actuators within manipulators and platforms depending on the desired trajectory, speed and other motion parameters of the technological equipment placed on the manipulator flange.
  • The illustration shows the visualization of the trajectory control of the RTC flange in the RVIZ environment of the ROS2 package.
A unique mathematical apparatus has been developed for modeling the parameters of protective coatings application and calculation of RTC operation modes
Modeling allows:
  • Optimize trajectories and algorithms of RTK movement by processing time;
  • Improve the functional qualities of coatings by achieving homogeneity and specified thickness parameters;
  • Ensure material savings;
  • Calculate optimal processing modes for materials with different mechanical and chemical properties.

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