Properties of catalysts
Determinations of concentration of various organic inorganic substances in solid liquid phases, petrochemical production products. Determination of the structure of catalysts.
JSC “AVK” is one of the leaders in the chemical products market of Russia and the CIS countries. The company specializes in the supply of catalysts, adsorbents, additives and other chemical reagents to enterprises of the oil and gas refining, petrochemical and chemical industries.
Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment,
MFC "Federation Tower. East"
Polymer waste is the most important source of carbon-containing raw materials for the production of fuels and chemical raw materials.
Objects of research – real waste:
Массовое развитие и применение последние 5 лет получили нейросети. Они идеально пригодны для построения нелинейных моделей с произвольной точностью на основе любого количества независимых переменных.НИЦ АО «АВК» активно вводит применении нейросетей для топливной хемометрики.
В распоряжении НИЦ новый метод анализа топлив – двумерная газовая хроматография-масс-спектрометрия (GCxGC/MS-FID), позволяющая получать групповой состав дизельных топлив с высокой детализацией.
Наличие метода GCxGC позволяет строить модели зависимости характеристик топлива напрямую от его состава
Разработки в области промышленной автоматизации и роботизации
Determinations of concentration of various organic inorganic substances in solid liquid phases, petrochemical production products. Determination of the structure of catalysts.
Methods of complete analysis of gases with determination of the content of:
The complex allows to determine the group composition of vacuum distillates, fuel oils, tar sands and similar samples. It provides possibility to analyze products in 7 groups:
The method allows to obtain the group composition of gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuels with high detail. Analysis of group composition of middle distillates is performed in 1 hour, 10 years ago such a detailed analysis would have required a week of work. Availability of GCxGC method allows building models of dependence of fuel characteristics directly on its composition.
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